Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How to Be Curious

How curious of a person are you? Some people are naturally wired to be curious, out-of-the box thinkers where others simply live in the status quo.

"How to Be Curious" by Darren Rowse of is a “How-To” guide on learning curiosity. I have customized the tips to how we can be better in our professional lives, to create more value to our organizations.
  1. Don’t accept spin: Many of us tend to believe exactly what someone tells us, whether we know them or not. Take for example what is published on a website, in an email, social media, the newest best seller, and the list goes on. What if we were to dig a little deeper, to question what may lie below the surface. We should take the time to look at all of the possibilities. We should be truth seekers, being more optimistically critical of what we are being fed by media and other outlets. If we react quickly to something that is published about our industry without knowing all of the facts, think of the potential pitfalls that may lie ahead for our careers and our organization.
  2. Ask questions: Ask questions of others and of yourself. When you were young and someone told you something, you always followed up with "but why?" or "what do you mean?". As adults, we tend to be so consumed in our daily activities that we don't stop to ask more questions, to get to the detail. You cannot be truly informed until you ask more questions. Pull together a task force or improvement team. Ask the 5 W's...get the story within the story.
  3. Ask ‘What if…’: Searching for alternatives, or the "What Ifs" allows you to find more solutions to the issue or story. Have you ever seen an outfit that is "One Size Fits All". Or, think of getting test results from your doctor but not getting a second opinion to weigh potential options. I think we all can attest that taking that approach limits our creativity, our ability to get all of the facts and options. Asking "What If" will open you up to the possibilities that lie in front and around you. We should never make business decisions until we understand all of the information.
  4. ‘Turn Questions into Quests’: Researching to answer your questions will take you on a journey to enlightenment. Whether you spend time at your local library, search the internet, purchase books at your local bookstore, talk to experts or attend seminars, you are taking your questions on a journey of enlightenment. Focus on your own knowledge-building. Thing of where we would be now if Alexander Graham Bell or Leonardo DaVinci had not been curious, never challenged the world around them.
  5. Dig deeper than the RSS feed: Most of what you will read simply scratches the surface. You are seeing things from a macro level because we want our information fast, short, and concise. Just tell me what I NEED to know so that I can go on my way. We want to get the highlights but there is always a more detail once you scratch the surface, the information that will truly impact your business decisions. For example, if you are in customer service and field thousands of calls all day, you see each issue individually. But if you take the words of your customers and mine those responses using text analysis, you might find systemic issues that could be quickly resolved with just a few simple organizational or operational changes.
  6. Use available tools: Stay up-to-date on the latest tools that will help you in gather information quickly. Technology has provided us a means to get more real-time information than ever imagined just 15 years ago. Consider mind mapping in conjunction with online tools (see previous blog entries) to track and document your research. Track the 5 W's and have a little parsley category. Parsley is the stuff that looks good as a garnish but has no true purpose on the plate, or at least not yet... Tap in to your network or use local experts from universities, professional business groups, online groups such as those found on LinkedIn.
  7. Put disconnected ideas together: This is the parsley from aren't sure what to do with these ideas or observations but you might find as your curiosity takes your further down the path that they are related or interconnected with other ideas. Using a text analysis software can help you create the connections for these thoughts or observations. Read "The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures" by Dan Roam or "Indexed" by Jessica Hagy. Both are outside-of-the-box thinkers that will help you to bring your thoughts and ideas to life and to create relationships between them.
  8. Play: Discover new and exciting ways to peak your curiosity. It might be sitting at a coffee shop and listening to business professionals interact, it might be watching children interact at a local play spot or book reading, head to a local museum to see how others react to the beauty around them, it could even be doing heads-down research on something you have read about. Finding a way to make learning fun is essential to creating a curious you.
  9. Get proactive: Curious people tend to be successful people. They are the ones that are always on the go. They are the people who you wonder how they get so much done with their days. They are always pushing the status quo. They are the ones that draw in others like a magnet. Get out into the world, be a seeker of information, ask questions, and then ask more. Successful people don't get to the top by following everyone else. They blaze their own path by traveling the road less traveled; stepping out of their comfort zone.
  10. Network: Even if you don't realize it, your network can propel you forward when you didn't even realize you needed to accelerate. The people you surround yourself with now reflect who you are as a person. They will help push you, challenge you, help you to continue to evolve. I once heard that you are who you hang out with. If you surround yourself with people who are naturally curious, you too will begin to be a curious soul. Use LinkedIn groups as a way to throw out your questions and have other like-minded people help you generate additional ideas or ways of looking at the situation.
  11. Find a ‘curiosity buddy’: It is more fun when we surround ourselves with curious people. Make time to have coffee once a week with a like-minded person who will challenge you, ask questions, and push you beyond your own limits. Surround yourself with people who are life-long learners. Find a mentor that can help you along your journey to business success, someone who is an objective participant in your quest for success.
  12. Slow down: Take time to reflect. Don't be a reactive person. Learn to take your time in coming to conclusions. There are always unlimited ways to look at a situation or a challenge. There is no "One Size Fits All" and if we limit ourselves by what we hear or read without asking the "What Ifs" and "Why Nots" we be limited in our knowledge of the world around us, the potential that a situation may be offering for us to become more informed, to make better business or personal decisions.
Take the time to be the person everyone wants to surround themselves with. Be the type of person that when your name is mentioned in a conversation that others immediately have a positive reaction to. Create an environment where people want to ask you questions because they know you are just as curious to gain more insight into the world around you. What are you waiting for, become a curiosity seeker today!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Color Me Beautiful

There are companies claiming they have invented magic weight loss pills, miracle food gadgets that whip up food in an instance, and the list goes on and on. But my question is, can their be colors that can make ANYONE look good? Pantone, the well-known color institute, has deemed that certain colors are in fact perfect for all skin tone, hair color, and eye color. These colors are said to be neither really warm tones nor really cool tones, making them nearly neutral in tone but packed with color. Here is a sampling, in all of their splendid color (shown to the left), in no particular order:

  • Eggplant. Dark eggplant tones are perfect when paired with dark blue jeans, a grey skirt or nearly any other color. This deep purple tone works well no matter what skin tone or hair color you have. But wait, there's more...eggplant is also touted as a slimming color. So go pick up a fantastic eggplant blouse today! (PANTONE 19-2814 Eggplant)
  • Red. But not just any red, true red because it is both a universal color and it lies in the center of the color spectrum. True red is the shade between the warm tone of tomato orange-red and the cool tone of cherry bright red. Studies have found that making a bold color statement, like wearing true red, have been shown to increase a persons confidence as well as the likelihood of good things happening to them. enter Tiger Woods every Sunday during his last round of tournament golf. Who is going to argue with that kind of success? And, if everyone looks good wearing it, it is like winning the "I look great and it shows" lottery. (PANTONE 19-1664 True Red)
  • Teal. Dark teal such as Indian teal, also called an artisan-style teal, is the perfect finishing touch to your wardrobe. It will make your skin tone look healthy and bright and will put a sparkle in your eyes. It has a ton of versatility and can be worn with pretty much any other color making it a great universal piece to add to your wardrobe. (PANTONE 17-4919 Teal)
  • Sand. This light sand color has pink undertone that make it not too light and not too dark. Pair a top of this color with virtually anything color including khaki pants, dark jeans, black trousers, or even a fantastic mocha brown. Dress up your outfit with a multi-toned scarf with matching purse and shazam! you are a walking fashion statement. (PANTONE 13-1008 Bleached Sand)
More color to choose from include:
  1. PANTONE 17-4402 Neutral Gray
  2. PANTONE 1-5203 Pewter
  3. PANTONE 19-1020 Dark Earth
  4. PANTONE 16-1210 Light Taupe
  5. PANTONE 13-0822 Sunlight
  6. PANTONE 19-5920 Pineneedle
  7. PANTONE 14-4318 Sky Blue
  8. PANTONE 19-4020 True Navy
  9. PANTONE 19-1521 Red Mahogany
  10. PANTONE 19-1840 Deep Claret
  11. PANTONE 19-0000 Raven
  12. PANTONE 16-0613 Elm
If you need a great website to look up the color matches above, visit:

For more information on Pantone's perfect colors by specific skin tones, hair color and eye color, visit:

There is no better way to start the Fall shopping season than knowing how to go from drab to fab no matter your skin tone, hair color, or eye color! Click on the swatch above and print it off to take along on your next shopping go girl!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Personal Branding by Cindy Baldwin

It was a pleasure to welcome Cindy Baldwin to our August meeting to discuss personal branding. With the changing economy, it becomes even more important to know your personal brand and be able to articulate it to others. Below is an excerpt from Monday evenings speech from Cindy.
  1. What is Brand YOU? What are your ideas, beliefs, talents? Develop a “two-minute elevator speech” that conveys who YOU are and how YOU want to be perceived.
  2. Become an invaluable asset to your colleagues, clients, and peers. Networking is key! Use Linked In, Facebook, professional organizations to stay connected and visible!
  3. Position yourself as the “go-to” person with a specific skill or set of skills (i.e. Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access, etc.). Your VALUE is part of your brand.
  4. Gain self-confidence and rise to the occasion! Speak in public! Never lose faith in your abilities. Grab the opportunities to shine!
  5. Focus on SOCIAL equity rather than monetary equity. Social networking is key! Pick your friends wisely and carefully! Align yourself with QUALITY social networks.
  6. Build that contact list NOW! Who can you count on to help you down the road? Business people, church friends, people with similar hobbies, neighbors, etc. Use Twitter, Facebook contacts, too!
  7. Make your brand (YOU) visible to all potential clients! Get out there!
  8. Become SO REMARKABLE that complete strangers talk about you all the time! Be aware of your presence and your behavior.
  9. Be a content PRODUCER and not a consumer. Post remarks on Twitter & Facebook and other media forms. Don’t be a casual observer. Be mindful of the quality of your content and your intentions.
  10. Have an “endorsement” mindset! Embrace things that align with your ideals, your values, your beliefs, and your spirit. KNOW WHO YOU ARE and where you want to go!

Cindy Baldwin’s is the Senior Account Executive of 2.0 Group. The excerpts were taken from a presentation given to EWI of Indianapolis on August 10, 2009. 2.0 Group is a proud member of EWI of Indianapolis.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Need Help Controlling Your Finances

In these economic times, everyone is watching their bottom lines. Many experts say to have at least half a year's salary stocked away and if you are a double income household, rework your finances to be able to survive off of one salary instead of two...not an easy task! If you need help getting started, here are a few sites that can help you with budgeting (taken from an excerpt of Little PINK Book):

Mint, award-winning free budgeting software, categorizes your spending, creates a budget for you and helps you figure out how to best pay off debt. Plus, it texts or e-mails when you're about to go over in one category.

Wesabe categorizes your spending into a budget, provides other personal finances tools and connects you with a community of other budget-conscious consumers to answer your questions.

Geezeo will also create a budget for you – and connect you with personal finance experts and a community of like-minded users.

Understanding your cashflow In and Out is something we should all be aware of. It helps you better understand what motivates you to spend and can help you cut out unneeded expenses (who knows...maybe you can save enough to attend LCAM 2010...start saving today!)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Keeping Up With the Times - Embracing Social Media

Our world is so fast-paced that if you aren't constantly paying attention, you get left in the dust. Take for instance the social media revolution. How many of you have accounts on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.? And, that is just the beginning. Many of you 'Tweet' or at least follow friends and others on Twitter.

Need information? Not a problem! Information is simply a click away...if you don't believe me, watch this YouTube video: Did You Know on how quickly we adapt to the world around us and trust me, it can be overwhelming when you think about it!

If you are interested in learning more about Social Media or in a position to influence how your organization uses Social Media to reach your customers or employees, make sure to subscribe to attend the Blog Indiana 2009 Blogging and Social Media Conference. It is two days filled with sessions, summits and workshops on social media held on the IUPUI campus.

If you are interested in knowing what is going on around Indy, connect with others on IndyTweetUp or the Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association blog.

Most organizations are embracing social media as a form of staying connected so don't miss out on your opportunity to stay on top of the latest technology before it is too late! Oh, and by the way, if you are reading this, you are part of the social media revolution - congratulations!

Stay connected with other EWI members through Facebook by becoming a fan of our page. Search for Executive Women International - Indianapolis Chapter. Happy day to you all!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where Do You Find the Time?

I get asked that question probably more than any other. And to me that is an interesting question to answer. I have a 4 month old son, a daughter that is almost 6 years old, work a full-time job, sometimes do side work so as a family we can do the things we want to do without having to figure out what we want to sacrifice, am an avid gardener, actively participate in EWI and other organizations and try to do what I can to give back to the community in a way that helps me sleep better at night. So how do I do it? I think the question is, how do we all do it!?!

The answer to me is so simple...we have passion! We love the impact that our decisions have on not only our own lives but those around us...our husbands, our children, our friends, our neighbors, our community. Each and every decision we make has an impact, either positive or negative, on those around us even when we don't necessarily realize it. There is no better example of this than at our July EWI meeting where we award ASIST (Adults Students in Scholastic Transition) scholarships to deserving individuals actively pursuing a degree.

WOW! What a group of determined ladies we were lucky enough to spend time with last evening and give them the opportunities to make an impact on their own lives and those around them. Each of the three ladies had a unique story to tell. All were raising young children alone. Each had made the decision to take "own" their destiny. They all realize that you get out of life what you put into it. They want their children to be proud of the decisions they have made and to grow up to be strong individuals that take accountability for their own actions. They have passion!

I share this because hearing how one action that we do every year can bring such change and resolve to another human being...that is the answer...that is why we do what we do. We don't work hard just because we know we should; we work hard for the impact that it has on the people around us. That is not to say that our own needs should come second but there is a balance that we find in finding the time to look out for others; not only those that we know but those that we want to know.

I am proud to know that the ladies (and men) of EWI are not just looking out for themselves but for the community in which we serve. Our passion is to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I would love to hear more from you...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Keeping Organized in A Stressful World

There are all types of online services to help you keep organized in both your personal and professional life. If you are a small business, consider checking out your options. Most of these services are free and have a vast array of applications to help you on your track to get organized.

Here are some of the best online organizers that I know of. If you know of others, please let us we go! has a ton of applications including an easy-to-use calendar, an online word processor, server space, and an invoice-making applications so you can bill clients from anywhere - amazing! helps you keep your family organized. Have one child going to soccer, one going to basketball and you need to make sure you don't miss out on an activity? With Microsoft Office sync capabilities and customizable lists, gathers up appointments and color codes them by family member so you can know where everyone is at a quick glance.

Are you a Mac loyalist like me? Use Things for Mac and iPhone to consolidate and prioritize lists and tasks and e-mail yourself reminders. It is your own personal assistant without the paycheck - who wouldn't love that!

Lastly, and one I use several of their apps is Besides having the best online email system - gmail (if you don't have an account - get one!), they have a ton of apps categorized by online searches, explore and innovate, and communicate/show/share, go mobile, and make your computer work better. In all, you have nearly 50 applications to use...a lot of them you are likely familiar with and don't even realize it. Set up an iGoogle account and you can create a dashboard to organize your applications.

I hope you have fun exploring all of your options and again, please let us know if you have other online services you swear by.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Getting the Most of Your Membership

EWI is an organization that provides business connectivity, career and leadership development, and community involvement to business professionals. It is a firm-based membership with firm representatives. As we continue to make your experience more valuable, we are expanding our communications to you through the use of social media.

Our hope is that by providing you many avenues to connect, we will enrich your experience and provide you with an experience that cannot be duplicated in any other organization.

We are now on Facebook! If you have an account, simply search for 'Executive Women International - Indianapolis Chapter' and become a fan of the page. From this page, you will receive information on upcoming events including monthly meetings, board meetings and committee meetings.

There is a link to this blog so that you can quickly access information between social sources. We will be adding links to free trainings and video learning, job opportunities at member firms, etc. This is a work in progress so if you have ideas, please let Julie Easton know.

My goal is to give you a lot of information so that you can select what you want to do and how involved you want to become. Even if you are no longer a member but want to keep up with what's going on with EWI and our members, we welcome you! If you are wanting to learn more about our organization and how to become a part of a group of dynamic businesswomen, you have come to the right place!

And now to the important stuff...Business Women Connect (BWC), located in Indianapolis, is offering several FREE teleseminars this summer focusing on a variety of subjects. Click the link to learn more about their offerings and sign up for any that you have an interest in:

Here is a good quote for you:
“The key elements in the art of working together are how to deal with change, how to deal with conflict, and how to reach our potential...the needs of the team are best met when we meet the needs of individuals persons.” – Max DePree

I will continue to provide you with ways to expand your knowledge base; if you have items to add, please direct them to me at Have a safe and Glorious Fourth!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome to EWI Indy Blog

Greetings! This is Julie Easton, VP/President-Elect for the 2008-2009 board year. This site has been set up for the Executive Women International - Indianapolis Chapter.

I am so excited to be creating our first blog. My goal with this blog is to have a forum to exchange ideas and information, provide training as requested by members and increase our communication between members and member firms. If your firm has a need, post it here. If you have ideas for discussions or training, post it here.

My hope is that we increase our utilization of social media and offer many ways for our members to connect and also invite potential member firms to learn more about what we do. If you have a Facebook account, let us know so we can connect. We also have an Indianapolis Chapter page; simply search for Executive Women International - Indianapolis Chapter. We will be posting monthly meetings as well as committee meetings. We will have discussions and continue to increase our awareness in the community.

If you have any ideas for how to improve this blog, our Facebook page or would like for me to set up other social media links, please email me at