Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where Do You Find the Time?

I get asked that question probably more than any other. And to me that is an interesting question to answer. I have a 4 month old son, a daughter that is almost 6 years old, work a full-time job, sometimes do side work so as a family we can do the things we want to do without having to figure out what we want to sacrifice, am an avid gardener, actively participate in EWI and other organizations and try to do what I can to give back to the community in a way that helps me sleep better at night. So how do I do it? I think the question is, how do we all do it!?!

The answer to me is so simple...we have passion! We love the impact that our decisions have on not only our own lives but those around us...our husbands, our children, our friends, our neighbors, our community. Each and every decision we make has an impact, either positive or negative, on those around us even when we don't necessarily realize it. There is no better example of this than at our July EWI meeting where we award ASIST (Adults Students in Scholastic Transition) scholarships to deserving individuals actively pursuing a degree.

WOW! What a group of determined ladies we were lucky enough to spend time with last evening and give them the opportunities to make an impact on their own lives and those around them. Each of the three ladies had a unique story to tell. All were raising young children alone. Each had made the decision to take "own" their destiny. They all realize that you get out of life what you put into it. They want their children to be proud of the decisions they have made and to grow up to be strong individuals that take accountability for their own actions. They have passion!

I share this because hearing how one action that we do every year can bring such change and resolve to another human being...that is the answer...that is why we do what we do. We don't work hard just because we know we should; we work hard for the impact that it has on the people around us. That is not to say that our own needs should come second but there is a balance that we find in finding the time to look out for others; not only those that we know but those that we want to know.

I am proud to know that the ladies (and men) of EWI are not just looking out for themselves but for the community in which we serve. Our passion is to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I would love to hear more from you...

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